No sensible person in America or the rest of the world is hoping for the far-right extremism


While many people in America and across the world stand strong in their religious faith, and disagree with the atheist concept of Freedom From Religion Foundation (an organization headed by Ronald Reagan JR, son of 1980s president Ronald Reagan), they cannot ignore the group's long standing positive mission which is about human rights and equality, a principle supported by the biblical character called Jesus. They are pro-active about uplifting humans, regardless of race, religion, political stance or social status. The far-right folks call it socialism and denounce the practice with absolute hate because it goes against their desire for prejudice and greed. They must really hate the verse matthew 19:24 or when the "money lenders" were chased and beaten out of a temple.

"I'll say it again-it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!"

If one is about democracy and choose to follow the principles of the new testament bible (the far-right claim they are 'bout dat), then voting AGAINST the proposed hitler based idea that is "project 2025" is the right action for every citizen of United States!