Politics, Religion, Marriage, Homosexuality, Business, and Love

Over the past 30 to 40 years of my life I’ve traveled many roads, visited many places, seen may elections, I’ve met many politicians, I’ve met great individuals, I’ve met assholes, and I’ve met idiots. I’ve been involved in discussions on politics, religion, marriage, homosexuality, business, love, relationships…you name it, I’ve probably had a discussion, argument or debate on the issue. I consider myself a well-rounded, not body shape, person of above average intelligence and with an open mind. I’ve gained great insight, perspective and in some cases, not many, accepted that my view or perspective was wrong. I love listening to folks share their ideas, thoughts, views and opinions, and I try my best, I really do, not to judge.

This is my opinion on the following topics

Politics – It takes a truly special person to be a great politician. Politics is a messy business, and politicians need to have the ability to rise above the natural tendency to get personal. Great politicians understand the needs of the citizenship/voters, understand the objective of the office for which they are campaigning and are tasked with the responsibility of charting that course. The course must be guided by the consensus of the majority and not influenced by the few, including the candidate. Once elected the politician MUST remember that the campaign has ended, and the job has started. During the politicians term in office they must remember that while charting their course, guided by the needs of the majority, they also have a responsibility to listen and govern for the minority too, they too are members of your jurisdiction.

Religion – I truly believe that religion is based on your personal relationship with your God/Buddha/Allah/ Brahman/…etc. Your place of worship is also your place of choice, because your worshiping is your personal communication with your God/Buddha/Allah/Brahman/… etc. I believe in the need for educational classes for each religion, but these places MUST be for educational purposes only and not meant as places of worship.

Marriage – woooo, marriage!!! Marriage is based on friendship; true friendship must be the foundation of marriage. I’m not saying that love is not a necessary part of the equation, but without the foundation of a true friendship, love will fail. Simply Google the question “What are the foundations of Friendship” and read the rest – Shared experiences, Trust, Listening, Kindness, Compassion, Mutual attraction, Shared Interest, Effort, Respect, and Communication - no marriage can survive without these basic foundations. As they say, we sometimes end up being married to your best friend.

Business – Follow your passion, find what gives you the most satisfaction and give it your best shot. I am not saying that that’s all you need to be successful in business, but if you follow that passion, the satisfaction and riches will flow. Remember riches are not always measured in dollars and cents. Richness is a personal inner satisfaction that comes from following your passion and achieving your objective, it might be money, but whatever gives you that personal satisfaction is what you must use as your personal measure of success. Additionally, you will fail, you will have a change of heart, you will come to crossroads of indecision, YOU MUST make that choice and accept the consequences either way…good or bad. One of the greatest poems of all times, “IF” by Rudyard Kipling …read it!!!

Love – Let’s try Google – “Love is an intense, deep affection for another person. Love also means to feel this intense affection for someone. Love can also refer to a strong like for something or to like something a lot. Love has many other senses both as a verb and a noun”. In my opinion, while love is an emotion, and is tied to, sometimes, physical attraction, love is also a choice. I think we can control that emotion and that attraction, however, when that emotion is built on a strong foundation of friendship, it is even harder to control and make sensible choices.

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Caribbean American Passport is for the Caribbean-American people who celebrate the unique vibrancy of the Caribbean culture coupled with an American perspective. The people who might be in a suit but will at the very least, tap their foot once Reggae or Soca hits their ear. The Caribbean American who knows that the future of our families is made better by the present we work on today.

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Orlando, Florida