Cleaning of the Jamaican water bodies are up to the people. Quit waiting on government


Across the third world there are areas where trash in public spaces are they accepted daily norm and the residents just trudge through poisonous garbage without concern, some even dig into the waste expecting to find something of value. Where does the trash come from? It's mostly created by the residents themselves, because it has become habit to toss waste where ever there is already stagnant garbage. One would think a human would naturally want a clean environment and just not make a mess, however the behavior is generational. When the household is a constant mess, outdoor will be a mess. To change this barbaric nature requires education in cleanliness and hygiene. Lessons in pride and personal concern of health.

People in poverty ridden areas around the world tend to live by handouts, and when it doesn't arrive they simply complain and do nothing for self development. They make the mess and expect the government to clean it all, a mind state they developed from their household; "if mommy doesn't clean the mess I made, it just means that is the way it is to be so I'll just pile on more". This is how nasty characters are formed and whole communities then diminish to squalid.