Is the human specie meant to be carnivore or herbivore?

Post Disclaimer: Kailani is a guest writer and is not associated with or affiliates. The views and opinions expressed by this guest author are not those of or affiliates, sponsors, staff


Maybe humans came to planet Earth from some other galaxy where plants were the ish at dinner time, and after much searching, there was just not enough vegetation which they could consume without potential poisoning, and what little was available, they had to fight off the herbivorous dinos just for a taste. To that end, a few, during a period of starvation, decided to try the meat of the dinosaur they killed and realized that nothing bad happened and they were filled, and that moment led to mankind gittin' on with carnivorous action for the rest of their days. Yes it's all a wacky scenario, but WTF! We murder other life forms to eat their flesh! Why?!

Why claim to "love animals", albeit a selected few which we call pets, but hunt or farm others to slaughter, often brutally, to fill our guts for pleasure and bask in the sickening satisfaction of sniffing burning flesh?! Just the though should be utterly disgusting. The religious bible have made an effort to validate mass murder for food with the story of the man named "Peter" who had a dream while hungry (hallucination happens when blood sugar is low) of various dead animals on a plate, and him being upset at the waiter (god) about giving him "unclean" meat. The folks who believe the story are especially pleased when the god said, "don't call my ish unclean boy!" "rise up and go kill some animals and git dat barbecue on!" That's just the greatest meat marketing advert ever produced.

All the plant eating animals are bigger, healthier and stronger than man

The fact is, humans do not need to and should not eat meat to live! All the plant eating animals are factually bigger, healthier and stronger than man. Mankind thrived on bloodlust, a desire to murder and boast, then derive pleasure from drinking the blood of the life they took out. Another great ad published in the bible is that of the character called "jesus" stating "eat my flesh and drink my blood". That seems quite clearly to be written by violent MEN who wanted to misguide the masses who were uneducated and lived by whatever the monarchy dictated.

I'm not trying to preach or dictate veganism to those who just can't get enough blood and dead flesh into their mouth, but rather highlighting the facts for those who are considering or just starting on the path of grubbing on the roots of the Earth. Stay strong and be free of the potential diseases from other animals.