Amani Peterkin, a girl with a great imagination

Amani Peterkin, a girl with a great imagination

Florida’s west coast cities rank among top Rosemarie Roth, Pastor at Alpha Point (352) 321-0932 President of Jamaican Cultural Connection, JCCNOW.ORG emerging real estate markets Influx of work-at-home employees helps power property boom Florida’s west coast property market is heating up, boosted by remote work and sunny weather.

Naples ranked No. 1 and North Port was No. 2 in the Wall Street Journal/’s Emerging Housing Markets Index. Three other Florida markets also made the top 20: Cape Coral, Punta Gorda and Sebastian, a city on the state’s east coast.

Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder how you are. High above the earth so high, like a diamond in the sky.

I met a little girl who is a super star to me. Outstanding just like a diamond on an engaged finger. Great expectations of a life that will leave footprints on this earth. She is curious, engaging, loves life and all that goes along with establishing a legacy for those who will find her inspiring.

This gifted child can depend on the support and encouragement from her family and friends to be adventurous. At age seven she has an impressive imagination to design dresses that she intends to create and sell in her shop or online. She is an adaptive learner and is constantly asking me to teach her something new which keeps me on my toes. Thank goodness for life’s experience and the missing parts for me will always be on Youtube.

This is an introduction to our Home Economic section of the Passport. You will learn with Amani as she designs, sew, cook, make crafts, gardening, and soar to great heights. The first lesson today is to evaluate our mindset. We will turn the nob around to learn and gain a new skill to excel.

“Watch your thought, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” Lao Tzu.

Mindset is like driving a car. We are in control of the car by holding the steering wheel and regulating the speed with our foot on the gas pedal. My driving teacher told me that wherever I am looking that is where the car will go. So, we will live whatever we entertain our mind with.

Therefore, we are to have a mindset to win, to succeed, to be positive and we will master even the challenges that we might face. Our mindset sets the tone for the outcome of our projects. We should not speak words that will set its demise. But words for completion to victory.

Her mother Sonya Peterkin, an immigration attorney chimes in that, “Amani dances, plays the piano and attends acting classes”. Amani at this point is training to improve her concentration and socialization. At this rate, she will live a life full of knowledge.